Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Robot Paints Its Feelings

     In the University of Illinois there is a person called Ben Grosser, who uses the robot's ear to create the robot's feeling to paint what they feel. They use a technology called HeadSwap, Ben Grosser uses his ways to work with a violinist to work with the robot. They tell the violinist to play the music then the robot will start painting what he is feeling. The robot paint what he hear which is just like random painting but the point is that it will work that the robot can do it.

     I think  this is a great thing for our society because this just show that the world is really high tech now that they can do this kind of things. I have done a lot of this kind of things that represent how our world is developing and they are creating new stuff that shocks the whole world. We started as cavemen and now our world is so high tech we can create things like this kind of robot that can paint. They are alot of more invention that allow us to use it.

Citation: Staedter, Google Tracy. "Robot Paints Its Feelings : Discovery News." Discovery News: Earth, Space, Tech, Animals, History, Adventure, Human, Autos. Discovery News, 18 Nov. 2011. Web. 30 Nov. 2011. <>.

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