Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Big Picture Homework

What is machine language and how is it difference from human language? 
 In my opinion the very most important and obvious difference is that our human language is what we humans speak and communicate with each other. Our machine language are 1 and 0 or anything like that. Things that we human will not understand unless you memorize the machine language. So we need to understand human language first to actually understand machine languages.

Who was the first computer programmer? 
Ada Lovelace

What did he/she created? Explain that in detail. 

She created the first programmable computer which she use Charles Babbage's idea to actually make one programmable computer. Charles actually made an analytical engine which is actually the first step of a programmer. The thing is he couldn't be able to finish his project, because there are a lot of issues/error with it. And so Ada took Charles idea and develop the system just by adding more method to actually complete the program. After she did complete to make the program she is known as the first programmer.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Diwali 2012

Diwali 2012

iPhone senses you typing on table

This article is pretty much talking about how a Swiss designer called Florian Kräutli created a vibration keyboard. This keyboard uses Vibrative Virtual Keyboard it uses accelerometer on the iPhone 4 to sense the tremors of the finger tapping the table. He says that it could be use on any solid surface. But as they see the demo it seems like a lot of pressure is needed to press the key to allow the phone to detect it. Even thought this is only the prototype, he say he is still working on it and will publish it as soon as his done.

Major Concept
  • It shows that our technology have been developing a lot.
  • He is trying to show a wireless non solid keyboard that is projected on a solid surface to be able to type.
  • To show more ways for people to use smartphone more consistently.
Potential Strengths/Advantages  
  • More convenient for people who travel a lot. 
  • Easier for people to type while using a smartphone.
Potential Strengths/Disadvantages  
  • It's not that easy to press the buttons.
  • The sensory of the object isn't as good as it suppose to be.   
Discussion Questions 
  • How does this actually work, even reading the article I am still confused.
  • Why is it hard to put a projector on a smartphone to create the same effect but easier.

Ray, Bill. "IPhone Senses You Typing on Table, Bit of Wood Etc, Turns Vibes to Text • The Register." IPhone Senses You Typing on Table, Bit of Wood Etc, Turns Vibes to Text • The Register. The Register, 9 Nov. 2012. Web. 13 Nov. 2012. <>.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

10 Site for Educational Document

There are a few site right now that is great for documentaries for people who are interested in watching all these document. People would like to learn a lot on how things work and also interested in some documents. Right now there are just some historical record for example Wikipedia. Wikipedia is just like a research website, where people can use it can do something about it. In this article he shared with us 10 trusable and reliable sites that people can use for documentary. If you are interested in history document, conspiracy and pretty much any kind of documentary. You can find it out on all these sites and just help with your education, so I think this article is really useful.

Major Concepts
  • A lot of people are using documentaries to learn.
  • There are a lot of websites out there that will help you understand education better.
  • A lot of the education now occur with ICT and the technology of our world.
Potential Strengths/Advantages  
  • Students are more interested in learning now that it is on the internet.
  • It's a video not a bunch of words so that will also allow student to pay more attention to it.
Potential Strengths/Disadvantages  
  • Student could be lazy and not learning anything because since there are no teacher there they will be lazy.
  • There might be some inappropriate content that are not suitable for the kid at that age
Discussion Questions
  •  Is there any other website for school stuff?
  • How can you tell if a website is trusable.

Dkpula. "Technology Tidbits: Thoughts of a Cyber Hero." : 10 Sites for Educational Documentaries. Blogger, 17 Oct. 2012. Web. 07 Nov. 2012. <>.

Google search with new features. (Enhanced Sounds)

 The main summary of this article is that Google is trying to compete with Siri which is an strong match up. They are both different in a lot of ways for example Siri cannot be too specific about some things that they are talking about or the user is asking. For the example gave in the article is say that in Google search can ask questions like how does the Yankee stadium look like? Does things are some question that Siri cannot answer properly. But the other difference is that Siri can do things that Google search cannot which is making appointment, reminders, etc. So there is a difference between using Siri and Google search. For the IOS things it cannot participate with another third part application, which in this case is Google search. So there are advantages and disadvantages between the two features. So it only comes down to whether you should use Siri or Google search I think it's all up to the user and see if he/she is use to which application.

Major Concept
  • Showing how technology is changing overtime.
  • Showing the difference between Google search and Siri and let the user decide which one to use.
  • Showing how people are trying to catch up to each others technology.
Potential Strengths/Advantages
  • Help people with disability to use smartphones.
  • To put that feature on other smartphone too not just iPhone.
Potential Strengths/Disadvantages
  • People will be very lazy in the future.
  • They need to make it more accurate so people who have accent can't really talk to it.
Discussion Question
  • How are all voice recognition made?
  • What other questions that are hard to answer, could it be asked and answered?
Cheng, Jacqui. "Google's "enhanced" Voice Search Lands in IOS App Store." ArsTechnica. N.p., 31 Oct. 2012. Web. 7 Nov. 2012. <>.